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Can't BCH just get over it?

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Nothing like replying to someone to inform them you're ignoring them. Irony salivates at the presumption of the self-confident. Source

People absolutely hate changing their minds. Completely bereft of rebuttals, dismissals or vilification, including common last-resort fall-backs and unwilling to accept that they have been proven wrong, the final attempt of a defeated BTC advocate is often to an immature outburst of "Why do you care so much anyway?". This has two main varieties, often overlapped:

  • Appeal to attentiveness: "If BCH is so great, why do you spend all day talking about BTC? Can't you just ignore us?"
  • Appeal to regression: "This is all ancient history, why are you so stuck in the past?"

There is also a third flavour - Appeal to hopelessness - of BTC supporters telling BCH supporters "Give up already, it's over, you've lost, the market has spoken etc.". This is a transparent attempt to gaslight the BCH community into giving up the war for Bitcoin, driven by insecurity that BCH might actually win or be winning. The BTC community does not get to decide if or when the BCH community decides their cause is hopeless & it's time to give up, only the BCH community can (spoiler: it ain't happening). That's a slightly different case to the "Why do you care?" argument addressed here, although it implies the same question in reverse. Why do the BTC community care so much if BCH continues their "failing" project?

Regardless of the flavour, the thrust is the same.

Firstly, it is true that the BCH community cannot win by complaining about BTC, playing the victim or generally having a backwards-looking perspective. It must prioritise a future-oriented optimistic focus on shipping solutions that are orders of magnitude superior to BTC in order to enact a Flippening. Ironically it has done exactly that, in many aspects the BCH community has already shipped a lot of what the BTC community dreams of having in the future. However the list isn't big enough yet & the advantage must be univeral - orders of magnitude outperformance in technology, price, hashrate, branding, promotion or any other category. There is an enormous amount of work to do, but progress is being made and you can help out!

That said, it is simply not viable to attempt to "take the high road" & rise above the need to debate, correct, educate, expose, or even belittle & mock misinformed BTC or other critics. As part of the hijacking, tribalism in cryptocurrency, censorship & overwhelming propaganda against BCH, to make an omlette it's absolutely required to break some eggs. If everyone in the world responded to rational arguments and understood a factual version of history there would be no need for these (at times aggressive) responses, but that's simply not reality. Many people have been indocrinated to dislike BCH with all manner of lies & many people can simply never be rationally persuaded of their idiocy - only publicly humiliated into silence. It is what it is.

It's also just the facts that the BCH community is smaller than the BTC community by a significant margin, so it shoulders the majority burden of educating consumers on the differences.

In practice, if the BCH community does not stand up for itself, making efforts to correct or rebut the overwhelming amount of slander & disinformation about the real Bitcoin, then the project will fail & die. If BCH doesn't write its own story, someone else will write it for them (and as history has shown, that will only go one way). The mission is too important to idealistically tolerate endless unjust denigration without reprisal.

History matters. While the BCH community cannot afford to be monomanically focussed on the injustices of the past, nor should it ignore the importance of correct Bitcoin education to curious outsiders & disputing critics. Some understanding must be requested that the correct balance between these two tasks is a tricky Platonic ideal which the community strives to meet but forever falls short of.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast seeks to lead by example in this regard. Although an inordinante amount of time is spent on debunking propaganda or humiliating overconfident critics, even that pales in comparison to the time spent on delivering BCH focussed education, tools, community events & other BCH initiatives. Listeners of the show will be very familiar with the optimistic attitude it conveys and the wide range of coins/topics addressed in BCH, cryptocurrency, technology & current affairs. At times, the Podcast will also criticise other BCH supporters who spend excessive time & effort on embarassing critics or correcting historical misconceptions without sufficient effort on the more important task of productively building BCH towards global adoption.

BTC or other supporters who have found themselves crushed beneath the iron-clad logic or mockery of The Podcast on social media may feel that it serves no purpose but to deride their preferred alternative. However, that betrays only their unfamiliarity with the broad and overwhelmingly positive range of The Podcast's output & content as they have engaged with it only in a combatively narrow manner. It's easy to miss the rose while concurrently being impaled by an inconvenient thorn. At any time they may verify the Podcast is not a single minded platform for negativity by availing themselves of the extensive content & materials available throughout this website, which contains in aggregate only a small portion dedicated to projects besides BCH.

See also: What's wrong with Bitcoin BTC?