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Who created Bitcoin Cash?

Amaury Séchet explains the history of his decision to start the BCH chain-split on the BCH Podcast.

Corbin Fraser (CEO of explains the history of the BCH chain-split & Roger Ver's (un)involvement on The Bitcoin Takeover Podcast.

BCH was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 (2008 including the publishing of the whitepaper). This is self-evident in the blockchain containing transactions from 2009 & many BCHers who contributed to BTC before the split maintaining that they never changed the project they were working on (see discussion of Is Bitcoin Cash (BCH) the real Bitcoin?)

Bitcoin split

The chain-split (be careful not to conflate with a hard-fork, although it was also that) between BTC & BCH occurred on 1st August 2017 & was conducted by a group of big blockers lead by Amaury Sechet. Frequent cited contributors include Jonald Fyookball, freetrader, Jonathan Toomim & others. Another account of the split is here, reproduced here.

Roger Ver propaganda

There is a common strain of propaganda, among many others, that BCH was created by Roger Ver as some kind of scam - rather than an organic effort by a section of the community to prevent the ongoing hijacking during The Blocksize War.

Crucially, the chain split from BTC (1st August 2017) did not involve Roger Ver, who only became involved after the collapse of the SegWit2x efforts (in November 2017). He was not involved in the chain-split initially, and his involvement later was simply in support of it as a businessman & free-market advocate that believed in the technical roadmap for big block scaling. There are many accounts of this, including his own in Hijacking Bitcoin.

Accusations that BCH is "Roger's project" or that he created it are sometimes simply misguided but are very frequently deliberate propaganda. Any source that is promulgating this false information should be treated with very high skepticism - on this issue & any other related information about Bitcoin & BCH.