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· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 29.85 BCH Flipstarter. Budget was increased a little from Flipstarter 4 to reflect the Podcast's ongoing increasing reach.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Big V & The Bitcoin Cash Tokyo Gang
Peter McCormack
Brian Canacci
Bitcoin Jason
M. Friedman
Bitcoin Out Loud

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

BCH Podcast Proof of Work

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read
Bitcoin Cash Foundation logo

Endorsed with love.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast is excited to publically endorse the Bitcoin Cash Foundation & be listed on its Endorsements page. BCH is a resilient & growing project, but its success rests only on the proactive contributions & collaboration of its community. The BCHF stands out notably in this regard & it's something the entire BCH community should take seriously in recognising & rewarding. Bringing about a voluntary, decentralised world is no small task & it's one which the BCHF has undertaken with passion & dedication - leading by example in its committment & contributions.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast supports the Bitcoin Cash Foundation in communication efforts related to BCH ecosystem news and basic outreach. Furthermore, we support the Bitcoin Cash Foundation’s efforts to ensure Bitcoin Cash is represented in a manner consistent with ecosystem standards.

The Podcast also contributes as and where it can financially to the Foundation in order to encourage & sustain its critical role in the ecosystem.

As part of this endorsement, a new Podcast FAQ article has been added explaining the role of The Bitcoin Cash Foundation. This is important to help explain its distinctive nature from the centralising "Foundations" rife throughout the rest of cryptocurrency (plus increase BCHF visibility). It is a regrettable reality that the world is not used to interacting with properly decentralised projects (particularly cryptocurrencies) yet. In this environment it is not only preferable but absolutely essential that BCH has an organisation able to represent the community's interests where an "official" voice is required and the BCHF is doing a tremendous job in this regard.

Thank you for your work Bitcoin Cash Foundation & we look forward to our continuing collaboration in the future!


Further reading:

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash Foundation

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash governance

FAQ on Contributing in BCH

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 24 BCH Flipstarter over a period of a couple of weeks to the 9th of March. After running a little close to the line on the 3rd Flipstarter it was moderated a little more to stay in line with community enthusiasm for the Podcast's stage of growth.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Shadow Of Harbringer
Adam Back
Brian Cannaci
Georg Engelmann

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 35 BCH Flipstarter over a period of a couple of weeks to the end of November. After enthusiastic response to the first 2 Flipstarters, this one was significantly more ambitious. It was funded, but perhaps was shooting a little high for where the Podcast is at at this stage.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Shadow Of Harbringer
the real faketoshi
Bitcoin Cash TV

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

I (and The Bitcoin Cash Podcast & Selene Wallet) wholly endorse CHIP-2023-04 Adaptive Blocksize Limit Algorithm for Bitcoin Cash for lock-in 15 November 2023. A carefully selected algorithm that responds to real network demand is an obvious improvement to relieve social burden of discussion around optimal blocksizes plus implementation costs & uncertainty around scaling for miners & node operators. There is also some benefit to the community signalling its commitment to scaling & refusal to repeat the historic delays resulting from previous blocksize increase contention.

The amount of work done by bitcoincashautist has been very impressive & inspiring. I refer to not only work on the spec itself but also on iteration from feedback & communicating with stakeholders to patiently address concerns across a variety of mediums. Having reviewed the CHIP thoroughly, I am convinced the chosen parameters accomodate edge cases in a technically sustainable manner.

It is a matter of some urgency to lock in this CHIP for November. This will solidify the social contract to scale the BCH blocksize as demand justifies it, all the way to global reserve currency status. Furthermore, it will free up the community zeitgeist to tackle new problems for the 2025 upgrade.

A blocksize algorithm implementation is a great step forward for the community. I look forward to this CHIP locking-in in November & going live in May 2024!


Further reading:

Original CHIP document

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash governance

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 12 BCH Flipstarter on 30th July in a matter of only about 12 hours. As with the first Flipstarter, this second enthusiastic response from the community was well noted, and The Bitcoin Cash Podcast feels very gratified by the support.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Shadow of Harbringer
Bitcoin Out Loud
bunga bunga!

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 20 BCH Flipstarter on 13th April in a matter of only about 12 hours. This enthusiastic response from the community was well noted, and The Bitcoin Cash Podcast feels very gratified by the support.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Bitcoin Out Loud
Bitcoin Cash TV

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast wholeheartedly supports the November lock-in and May implementation of:

I have reviewed the CHIP documents in some detail. A full breakdown and discussion will be done on an upcoming episode of the show, perhaps after the St Kitts conference.

BCH has several areas it is underperforming competing cryptocurrency projects, but its protocol level development is not one of them. There is industry leading thought, care, discussion and engineering skill being carefully added to Bitcoin Cash.

This bodes very well for the next few years. Momentum is a hard thing to capture but an overwhelmingly powerful force once attained, and momentum in Bitcoin Cash is building. Important technical improvements smoothly implemented at the protocol layer are the foundation of that progress and should bring much excitement to the BCH community for the resulting user-facing apps and innovations they will undoubtedly facilitate. In some cases, changes reduce technical debt or improve security and, though invisible to end users, are essential to the continued resilience and effective development of the blockchain.

In addition, the high quality of CHIPs is matched in the quality of the CHIP process itself. Creating decentralised agreement is very difficult, but BCH has earned an effective methodology through many hard-won lessons. The CHIP process is accruing a proven track record and trust by the community over time. In the past, and possibly in the future, BCH has become clouded and delayed by unconstructive arguments, chain splits, recriminations and turmoil. I think it's worth taking a moment to reflect on the absence of such division this year, and to commit internally to helping that continue for next year.

I am very pleased to contribute to the smooth running of the CHIP process via my stakeholder statement in this blog post. I encourage all readers as active members of the BCH community to make their own statements or begin discussions around these CHIPs, to amplify the strength of the consensus forming process.

Much gratitude to CHIP authors bitcoincashautist, Jason Dreyzehner, Tom Zander and Jonathan Silverblood along with everyone else involved in supporting or contributing to the debate, concepting or code for these improvements.

To a smooth May 2023 upgrade!


Further reading:

Jason Dreyzehner's Blog post on 2023 CHIPs

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash governance