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· 2 min read

Short update today as I am super busy with everything - March looking to be the biggest 2025 month already.




  • The next version of Selene, coming in the next two weeks, is better than ever. Includes CashTokens, CoinControl, massive performance upgrade & several bugfixes.
    • I have been really impressed with how far the project has come since August 2022 (now 2.5 years ago!)
    • I expect a rise in active users after the release, as with the previous one. But we'll see.
  • We're preparing a full report on Selene's progress in order to request another round of Flipstarter funding, as it has now been 12 months since our last round. There will be more detail in that.

Alright that's all I have time for, keep spreading p2p cash!

· 3 min read

A medium-speed start to the year. I suffered a few days of illness that delayed early momentum, but by the end of the month things have been getting moving again at increasing speed. The BLISS ticket sale opening is the biggest milestone & February will be far more focussed on keeping up the promotion efforts. Buy a ticket, help us sell out & come have a great Bitcoin powered holiday in Slovenia in May!!




  • Both Kallisti and I suffered some illness that has delayed things a little
  • Still nicely around the 100 daily users, 800 monthly users mark. Obviously growth would be preferable, but marketing is not a focus so much as taking the app feature set & engagement from existing users up another level or two
  • Looking for a next release in February, which will include the long-promised CashTokens support (!!), basic version to start and will be iterated
  • We're also preparing for a FundMe/Flipstarter, our last one was in March 2024 & we're approaching the specified 1 year timeline
    • We delivered on most of our targets, and will have some notes about the edges where we didn't quite get there
    • More details to come but most likely we're going to do a 6 month pitch this time around, with our thinking on how we can accelerate Selene in the short term & look to have an even bigger plan for 2026 in December

2025 is going to be an absolutely massive year for BCH, we'll have to set a scorching pace to outperform 2024 but I'm feeling very optimistic and I've never worked harder than I am at the moment.

· 2 min read

Fund Me currently underway...

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast recently completed its 7th round of funding, having switched from Flipstarter as with previous campaigns to the new easier-to-use & exciting tech (thanks Sayoshi Nakamario!).

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete an 18 BCH FundMe campaign. Budget has been decreased from previous campaigns due to a seeming somewhat reduced interest in funding The Podcast.

For more about BCH Fundraising, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the FundMe campaign is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted FundMe url ( may eventually go stale.

Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Milton Friedman

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

BCH Podcast Proof of Work

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

A predictably quieter month. December is always going to be a slow month - both myself & the rest of the Podcast team slow things down particularly at the end of the month, have a break to reflect & spend some time with family. That's in general effect throughout BCH & the world at large - it's important to have a proper rest sometimes! Just a short update today.

BCH Podcast

  • Episodes 136 - 138 released, including the extended Christmas episode! Great listen for your end of year break time. Catch them here:
  • Released a new FundMe (currently 84% funded), needs 3 more BCH to fuel the rest of the episodes to #145. If you're enjoying the show, consider chipping in!
  • The Podcast has now passed 2 500 Youtube subscribers & growing very consistently.

BLISS - @bchbliss

  • Around 4000 FURU was airdropped to Jessica holders, testing out our new airdrop tool (maybe more to come there, hint hint)
  • Preparation work behind the scenes for BLISS 2025 so we can ramp up our marketing efforts in the new year.
  • Ticket sale begins 15th January! Mark it in your calendar, we're targeting to sell out our 100 tickets & will consider expanding the event if we do!

Selene - @SeleneWallet

  • Lots of updates given by Kallisti on BCH Podcast Episode 138! Take a listen! CashTokens & Coin Control the next immediate items on the roadmap Last month's upgrade went smoothly, some users had to rebuild in isolated cases but otherwise no problems
  • Active users is just constantly growing & growing, we're finishing the year with nearly 2 000 active users for this year (counting from June). Expecting to massively exceed this in 2025.
  • We have some (UNFINISHED!!) documentation to help people onboard & resolve issues now live at:

Other news

I have been reflecting on what has been most effective for attracting new BCH adopters recently. We should try to hone in on & amplify those features in 2025. The top answers seem to be:

  1. Vision & philosophy as p2p cash
  2. Usage as p2p cash
  3. Learning about the Bitcoin Hijacking
  4. Improving BCH confidence & momentum

Something for us all to think about.

Merry Christmas & happy New Year! See you all in 2025.

· 4 min read

I've been super inspired by the great monthly dev blog of A Fifth Of Gaming as a method for distributing news on the project & performing some public accountability, so I'm starting to also write a quick monthly summary of what I've been involved in.

This will help me stay on track as well as serve as a bit of a news bulletin & reminder for anything my audience might have missed the first time around.

BCH Podcast

  • Released episode 133 & filmed & released episodes 134 & 135. All available on Youtube:
  • Wrote my first monthly accountability post, you're reading it!
  • The next Podcast FundMe will be starting this month as we've delivered on our last batch
  • Plan is to have 3 Podcast episodes in December, including the regular Christmas episode & then we're done for the year!


  • BLISS 2025 announced! 13-15th May in Ljubljana like last year. Announcement video:
    • Upgrading from 2 days to 3 days to fit in even more BCH action
    • Targeting the same initial 100 ticket release, but capacity to raise that if event is exceedingly popular which may happen due to massive community growth
  • Ticket sale starts: Jan 15th
  • We've also got a special surprise coming for Jessica holders on Friday! Ensure you have your Jessica held self-custodially on a P2PKH address (a regular q or z address) instead of on TapSwap or elsewhere to be part of it!
  • Team has been working behind the scenes to get everything ready. Probably not too many updates to come between now & January but then a lot will be happening


  • After some delays for various reasons, a new release of Selene is live in November for the first time since July
  • In December work is starting on the CashTokens integration, which is a big leap forward.
  • Selene is hitting new ATHs in Daily Active Users regularly, the latest high watermark at 145 this week with over 100 users basically every day.
    • We're targeting 1 000 daily active users by end of Q1 2025
  • Work has begun on some better Selene documentation & user support
  • If you enable either Prerelease or Experimental mode (do so at your own risk and forgive us any bugs or ugly UI!) by going into the Credits page (tap the version number at the bottom of Settings) and tapping 7 times rapidly on the Selene logo at the top, you can get a look into what is coming in the future with an expanded Explore page (helping users experience everything BCH has to offer) and an Assets tab (with full coin control & visibility, soon to host CashTokens & other advanced features)


  • Appeared twice on Fiendish's new Friday Twitter Space series Fiendish & Friends! The first 3 episodes have all been excellent, highly recommended to anyone in the BCH scene, I've been particularly enjoying his different interview style to mine. Best intentions to keep episodes to a quick 1 hour are already being tested! All episodes available here:
  • Also, recommended to everyone to check out Cheap Lightning's FundMe campaign - a very deserving recipient:
  • Got loads of traction with my favourite fresh meme creation of the month. Zero surprise this kind of thing is resonating at the moment!

Thanks for checking in, please let me know if you enjoyed this format, been a busy month & see you in the December update (likely to be posted in January)!

· 4 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast is adding its support & approval for CHIP-2021-05 VM Limits: Targeted Virtual Machine Limits & CHIP-2024-07 BigInt: High-Precision Arithmetic, to lock in November 15 2024 & go live May 15 2025.

The VM Limits CHIP has been long desired & heavily requested by builders in the space. As any product manager knows, with limited resources it's important to build what end users (in this case, application developers) actually need rather than what the engineers (in this case, CHIP proposers & BitcoinCashResearch regulars) feel most excited about & the demand for these VM Limit upgrades is already well established among real world use cases. In fact, we're even seeing interest from OUTSIDE the BCH space - which to my knowledge is a first for BCH development before an upgrade has hit mainnet, let alone chipnet! This is a great vindication of progress in both the relevance & quality of upgrade work, as well as the messaging & productive discussion around it.

The amount of work done on VM Limits is very impressive, producing a thorough analysis & also additional reusable tooling for testing the BCH VM. This level of rigour and engineering excellence is typical of BCH CHIPs, helping to set us apart from our competitors (particularly as the cumulative effect snowballs over time), and I feel this CHIP has continued that tradition.

In reviewing the CHIP, it was also obvious to me (as Jason had explained to me on the show) that the new limit selections contain very few "choices" - instead they are the logical result of engineering analysis for an optimal value. This is a good indicator that the work is fundamentally valid & unlikely to need revisions.

Although the Big Ints part of the process did operate slightly unusually, I am not concerned we're taking an excessive / serious risk or setting a problematic precedent in approving it for this November 2024 for the following reasons:

  1. The quality of the CHIP on its own is very high (taken together with the VM Limits references).
  2. In my own observation, I have seen overwhelming community support for a 2024 lock in (community discussion channels, Podcast listener survey, other statements of support, my own personal conversations etc.) instead of a delay.
  3. Consensus appears certain on the concept of (Big) Big Ints & intended working of the CHIP, therefore I feel even in the unlikely case of an unexpected issue the community will similarly be able to find agreement on a solution. Contention over fixing "bugs" tends to occur in cases where the initial change was not well understood or desired (as with BTC Taproot Inscriptions), and I don't think that's the case here.
  4. Of anyone requesting somewhat of an exception for this specific type of scenario, you couldn't find a better candidate than Jason Dreyzehner. Previous CHIP author, technical aficionado, conscientious BCH contributor over many many years. Attempts to argue for future changes to happen similarly not only will need to provide evidence for the similarity of the surrounding circumstances, but also the credibility of the proposer.

With these mitigating factors in mind & given the sizeable lost opportunity cost of delay, I think it clear that the best choice is to activate both the VM Limits CHIP as well as accompanying Big Ints this year.

I look forward to the activation of both CHIPs on chipnet next month & the flow on effect of increased app development & community momentum.

Final note: The ABLA Explainer video from last year received an incredibly positive community response. Building on that success, I will also be working with Jason & others to produce promotional/educational material for the BCH community and broader visibility around the importance & impact of these 2025 upgrades. If anyone has any particular suggestions or ideas in this regard, I'm always open to discuss it.


Further reading:

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash governance

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast recently completed its 6th round of funding, having switched from Flipstarter as with previous campaigns to the new easier-to-use & exciting tech (thanks Sayoshi Nakamario!).

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 35 BCH FundMe campaign. Budget was increased in BCH terms (and only very slightly in fiat terms), but the final 5.5 BCH was provided by the Podcast itself to reflect the inability to deliver on the BCH Argentina deliverable (due to circumstances beyond the immediate control of The Podcast).

For more about BCH Fundraising, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the FundMe campaign is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted FundMe url ( may eventually go stale.

Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot
Fundme screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Pieter Wuille
BigV & The Bitcoin Cash Tokyo Gang
Milton Friedman
Bitcoin Jason
Mathieu G
Back to earth
Willem Bliss88
Eric Lombrozo
Anonymous JP

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

BCH Podcast Proof of Work

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 29.85 BCH Flipstarter. Budget was increased a little from Flipstarter 4 to reflect the Podcast's ongoing increasing reach.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Big V & The Bitcoin Cash Tokyo Gang
Peter McCormack
Brian Canacci
Bitcoin Jason
M. Friedman
Bitcoin Out Loud

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

BCH Podcast Proof of Work

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?

· 2 min read
Bitcoin Cash Foundation logo

Endorsed with love.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast is excited to publically endorse the Bitcoin Cash Foundation & be listed on its Endorsements page. BCH is a resilient & growing project, but its success rests only on the proactive contributions & collaboration of its community. The BCHF stands out notably in this regard & it's something the entire BCH community should take seriously in recognising & rewarding. Bringing about a voluntary, decentralised world is no small task & it's one which the BCHF has undertaken with passion & dedication - leading by example in its committment & contributions.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast supports the Bitcoin Cash Foundation in communication efforts related to BCH ecosystem news and basic outreach. Furthermore, we support the Bitcoin Cash Foundation’s efforts to ensure Bitcoin Cash is represented in a manner consistent with ecosystem standards.

The Podcast also contributes as and where it can financially to the Foundation in order to encourage & sustain its critical role in the ecosystem.

As part of this endorsement, a new Podcast FAQ article has been added explaining the role of The Bitcoin Cash Foundation. This is important to help explain its distinctive nature from the centralising "Foundations" rife throughout the rest of cryptocurrency (plus increase BCHF visibility). It is a regrettable reality that the world is not used to interacting with properly decentralised projects (particularly cryptocurrencies) yet. In this environment it is not only preferable but absolutely essential that BCH has an organisation able to represent the community's interests where an "official" voice is required and the BCHF is doing a tremendous job in this regard.

Thank you for your work Bitcoin Cash Foundation & we look forward to our continuing collaboration in the future!


Further reading:

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash Foundation

FAQ on Bitcoin Cash governance

FAQ on Contributing in BCH

· 2 min read

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast was very fortunate to recently complete a 24 BCH Flipstarter over a period of a couple of weeks to the 9th of March. After running a little close to the line on the 3rd Flipstarter it was moderated a little more to stay in line with community enthusiasm for the Podcast's stage of growth.

For more about Flipstarter, check out the FAQ article.

In the spirit of accountability and transparency, a record of the Flipstarter is preserved here - for later reference of donators and to demonstrate credibility of & delivery by The Bitcoin Cash Podcast. The original hosted Flipstarter subdomain ( will eventually be taken down or perhaps used for another Flipstarter.

Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot
Flipstarter screenshot

One more thanks to all our contributors:

Shadow Of Harbringer
Adam Back
Brian Cannaci
Georg Engelmann

Right, back to work on delivering!


Further reading:

What is Flipstarter and why is it exciting?